seed to cloth to seed
As we gather around a desire for deeper connection with the living world, we have been seeking practices that can be shared + that tap into traditional ways of being together with the living world.
One such practice is the art of natural dyeing, or working with plants to create vibrant dyes for cloth and yarn!
Starting in early spring 2025 we are planting a dye garden, and will hold classes that explore natural dye techniques as well as collectively grow, harvest, and dye with plants from the farm! We are forming a cohort that will work together throughout the growing season to engage with plants. Additionally, we will be hosting one-day workshops that explore the techniques and possibilities inherent in the thoughtful coaxing of dyes from plants. Please see below for a selection of offerings.
2025 Plant-Based Dye Workshops!
Indigo + Onion Skins
Explore dyeing cotton and wool with these striking natural dyes.
Saturday, April 19, 2025
1-4PM at Peaceful Belly Farm
Indigo + Onion Skins
Explore dyeing cotton and wool with these striking natural dyes.
Saturday, May 17th, 2025
1-4 PM at Peaceful Belly Farm
Lichen + Indigo
Explore dyeing silk and cotton with these striking natural dyes.
Friday, June 20, 2025
4-8 PM at Peaceful Belly Farm
Coreopsis + Indigo
Explore dyeing cotton and wool with flowers grown in the dye garden and prereduced indigo.
Wednesday, July 9, 2025
6-9PM at Peaceful Belly Farm
Flowers of the farm
Explore dyeing cotton and wool with flowers grown in the dye garden and around the farm!
Sunday, July 13, 2025
5-8PM at Peaceful Belly Farm
Dye with "weeds"
Explore plants considered weeds by some, and work with them as collaborators in our quest or color!
Sunday, July 20, 2025
1-4 PM at Peaceful Belly Farm
What Can Plants Teach?
learning fellowship
Wandering around and through the relationship between plants & color & ourselves, we will invite connection. While we may be used to viewing plants as “resources for our use” through this fellowship we will practice recognizing that plants have life processes and connections, outside + beyond what humans make of them.
“What Can Plants Teach?” is a growing-season long learning fellowship meant for expanding our understanding and framing of plants, with the lens of plant based dyes as a starting point. We will challenge and explore our relationships with plants through activities, readings, discussions and independent research.
We will encounter sometimes awkward or new opportunities to confront our long held views on the separation between the human and more than human world. These acts will require some unlearning, and opening to new possibilities, however, with patience and care, we hope to grow these new ways of seeing, noticing, and being.
Build your own dye workshop!
Get in touch with your specific needs for a dye workshop by sending an email:
If you are interested in reserving a plant based dye workshop for your friends, neighbors, club, etc, get in touch! We can figure out a custom experience for you.
Email us!
If you are more comfortable learning individually, get in touch! We can create a custom dye workshop just for you, based on your learning goals.
Email us!
If you have a group who are interested in hosting a group dye vat, please let us know! We would come to your site and make a clothes-transforming dye vat for you and your neighbors, coworkers, etc.
Email us!